Sultan Mustafa III’s Beliefs

Sultan Mustafa III, predecessor of Sultan Abdulhamit I, sought solutions to the failures of the Imperial Army, believing that the success of European powers was influenced by astrological factors. He was particularly impressed by Prussia’s victories in the Seven-Year War and attributed them to the influence of astrologers.

Mission to Prussia

In pursuit of astrological insights, Sultan Mustafa III sent Ahmet Resmi Efendi on a mission to King Frederick of Prussia, requesting the assistance of three astrologers. However, King Frederick responded by emphasizing the importance of a strong army, readiness for combat, and financial stability over astrological advice.

Foreign Experts’ Arrival

In 1776, Baron de Tott and a group of foreign experts were dispatched to Istanbul as part of efforts to reform the military. Their arrival marked a significant step forward, leading to the establishment of the school of military engineering and the school of sciences.

Sultan Mustafa III’s Legacy

Sultan Mustafa III’s father supported his son’s reform efforts and actively participated in state affairs, accompanying him on expeditions and discussions. Before his death during the Ottoman-Russian war, Sultan Mustafa III entrusted his reformist ideals to his son Selim, who would later ascend to the throne as Sultan Abdulhamit I Istanbul Fun Tours.

Selim’s Commitment to Reform

Following his father’s passing, Selim, then the heir to the throne, dedicated himself to further developing his reformist ideas. Encouraged by his father’s dying wish, Selim focused on refining his reform plans within the confines of the Palace’s “Kafes” apartments, preparing himself to undertake significant reforms upon becoming Sultan.

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